Thanks to eSIM donations, Palestinians in Gaza are able to:

Share with the world the atrocities committed against them

Communicate with their families and friends, inside and outside of Gaza

Organize and coordinate medical aid, inside and outside of Gaza

What We Do:
At, we set up a mobile phone company to provide eSIMs to the people of Gaza, helping them stay connected with their loved ones and the world.

Our eSIMs enable access to education, facilitate communication, and support vital activities in Gaza where connectivity has been disrupted.
  • By distributing eSIMs, we ensure that the people of Gaza can communicate with family, obtain food and water, access important information, and share their stories with the world.
  • We help medical staff, journalists, and humanitarian aid workers stay connected to internet to continue their crucial work.
  • Our initiative is crucial in bridging the digital divide and providing a lifeline in times of crisis.
Who We Are: is a Palestinian-run, volunteer-based initiative dedicated to supporting the people of Gaza. 100% of collected funds go toward eSIM purchases, top-ups, and servers.

Our mission is to provide essential internet access to Palestinians in Gaza through eSIMs.
  • Our team is composed of volunteers who are committed to making a difference.
  • We work tirelessly to ensure that every donation is used efficiently and effectively, with all proceeds going directly to purchasing eSIMs, topping up data, and maintaining the necessary infrastructure.
  • We operate with complete transparency and do not make any profit from this initiative. We balance this with keeping ourselves, our families, and those we provide with eSIMs protected.
  • Our deep connections in Palestine and Gaza enable us to distribute eSIMs to those who need them most, including civilians, medical staff, journalists, and humanitarian aid workers.
By supporting, you are contributing to a vital cause that helps keep Gaza connected to the world.
How It Works:
Donating and distributing eSIMs through is a straightforward and transparent process:
  • Donate: You can make a one-time donation or set up a recurring donation through our website. Each donation helps purchase eSIMs and top-up data for those in Gaza.
  • Generate eSIMs: Once a donation is made, we generate eSIMs that can be used on various networks to ensure the best possible connectivity.
  • Distribution: We distribute the eSIMs to those in Gaza who need them the most, including civilians, medical staff, journalists, and humanitarian aid workers.
  • Activation: The eSIMs are activated by the recipients, enabling them to access the internet, communicate with loved ones, and perform their vital roles.
  • Transparency: A few days after your donation, we'll email you with a link to track the usage of the eSIMs you helped fund, ensuring complete transparency and accountability. The process to generate, distribute, and activate your eSIM may take a few days. If you don't receive a link after a week, be sure to let us know!
  • Reallocation: Any unused data is refunded and reallocated to new eSIMs, ensuring no resources are wasted.
How This Initiative Differs: stands out from other organizations providing similar services due to our commitment to efficiency, transparency, and direct impact:
  • Reallocation: We ensure that any unused data is refunded and reallocated to new eSIMs, making sure no resources are wasted. This continuous reallocation maximizes the utility of every donation. Additionally, it means your donation won't end up as an expired eSIM awaiting activation.
  • Focus on Need: Our primary focus is on getting eSIMs to those in Gaza who need them the most, including civilians, medical staff, journalists, and humanitarian aid workers. We prioritize the needs of the community over gaining publicity.
  • Efficient Use of Funds: We operate with complete transparency and do not make any profit from this initiative. All funds go directly towards purchasing eSIMs, topping up data, and maintaining the necessary infrastructure.
  • Continual Top-Up: Our system ensures that data is continually topped up automatically, providing uninterrupted service to the recipients. Unlike most systems that don't allow for top-up, forcing users to get a new eSIM each period and scale large buildings putting themselves in danger, our approach provides continuous support.
  • Transparency: We provide donors with a link to track the usage of the eSIMs they helped fund, ensuring complete transparency and accountability while protecting ourselves. We are always more than willing to answer questions. Just send us a note at
Can't Donate an eSIM at This Time?
No problem. If you can't donate an eSIM right now, there are still plenty of ways you can support the cause. The trust you've built in your community goes a long way and reminding your network to stay supporting Gaza, not only when the worst atrocities occur, is most important.

Here are other ways you can help:
1. Spread our Instagram:
2. Spread our Twitter:
3. Put our posters up at coffee shops or hold a sign with our QR code at the next protest.
4. Host a party with a suggested donation
How to Donate:
Supporting us is simple and impactful. Here’s how you can make a difference:
  • Donation Amount: Each GB of data costs $2. Your donation goes directly towards purchasing eSIMs and additional data for Palestinians in Gaza.
  • Donation Options: You can make a one-time donation or set up a recurring donation. This flexibility allows you to support our mission in a way that suits you best.
  • Usage: We are happy to be able to support civilians with an average 10 GB per user per month since January 2024. Some people use eSIMs as a hotspot to share with others, and we are happy to support those dedicated to their community. We also distribute eSIMs to aid workers, journalists, and doctors, and we maintain their data usage to ensure they never lose connectivity.
  • Distribution: Once your donation is received, we generate eSIMs and distribute them to those in need in Gaza, ensuring they can stay connected and access essential services.
One-Time Donation:
Your one-time donation helps provide one 10GB eSIM to someone in Gaza. Donations are processed through, an eSIM provider which has partnered with to provide eSIMs, at cost, to those in Gaza. 100% of donations go toward eSIM purchases, generates and sends the eSIMs to for distribution.
Recurring Donation:
Recurring donations ensure ongoing support and continue funding top-ups for journalists, hospital workers, aid support, or students. You can stop your recurring donation at any time.
How to Top-Up a Donated eSIM:
We allocate 10GB to each eSIM a month. If you see your eSIM has been depleted, top-up the eSIM you've donated with these steps:
1. Retrieve the ICCID of your donated eSIM:
    • Go to the usage details page of your eSIM, this is in the usage link sent a few days after your donation.
    • Press the "Check Usage" button.
    • Check if the expiration date has already passed, if so, please do not top-up that eSIM.
    • Copy the ICCID displayed on the screen.
2. Enter the ICCID into the notes section of the checkout page.
3. Proceed with the checkout and be sure to enter the ICCID in the note section
5. In a few moments, you'll see that the eSIM has been topped up.
Questions and Next Steps:
A few days after your donation, we'll email you with a link to track the usage of the eSIMs you helped fund, ensuring complete transparency and accountability. The process to generate, distribute, and activate your eSIM may take a few days. If you don't receive a link after a week, be sure to let us know!

For any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us. It is extremely important that we, as Palestinians, keep ourselves and our families safe, as well as those using the eSIMs. However, transparency is also a key value, and we will provide you with answers while staying true to our mission.